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finding the Arlington airport vaccination site
in under one minute..
Spanish narrative
¡Hola! .. Ahora que tiene una cita para la prueba de manejo y el sitio de vacunación en el aeropuerto de Arlington
¡aquí le mostramos cómo encontrar la ubicación!
Covid vaccination site at KAWO

Convoy of Hope at AWO

SnoCo Health District YouTube of Drive-Through testing process
SnoCo Health District appointment web page
WA State Dept of Health web page
a few random KAWO scenes

"The most important road in any city,
is the Runway"
~ One-Six Right
click on any image to enlarge

a few KAWO area aerial 360° views
shared from recent public works projects
mouse or pinch, to spin or zoom
additional KAWO 360° imagery is at:
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